Following the 2013 flood The City undertook a number of projects to repair and reinforce banks along the Bow River. These projects helped protect City infrastructure but in some cases impacted sensitive fish habitat on the river. In order to appropriately compensate for the loss of habitat The City identified a number of sites that could supplement lost habitat at other locations. The Quarry Park project will excavate a historical side channel and install a variety of fish habitat features.

Phase 1 of the construction schedule began this week and is expected to be completed by May 30th. Phase 2 will start on July 16th after the high-water season and should be completed by October 30th. The existing pathway will be closed for the duration of the construction.

A detour has been created for pathway closures – more details can be found at

Councillor Keating has recently published a blog post about this project – Attached is a public notice which includes a map of the pathway closure, and residents can follow progress/learn more about fish compensation projects at Should any residents have specific questions they should contact 311.

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